Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Assignment 2: Business Card

This post is following up on the previous abstraction process for Assignment 2. Making a the card proved to be difficult. It's a small amount of space, so bringing the right amount of information across to carry the message of the company, without cluttering it, was tough. (Not to say i've fully succeeded, I haven't shown the class yet). I'm happy with it though, and have two variations for the business card. Small differences, but each with different connotation. The sphere took some time, but I like it because it gives the picture more depth.

1) Note that the size is a bit skewed, since this is on an A4 sheet, unlike a real business card. This is the example displayed to the class. I really like the man walking on the spere, as if he's exploring the world of puzzles and looking for some solution to whatever problem he has, which now is to find out what this world he's in is. I like how it suggests the company is also exploring puzzles, and it feels like the company is at the same level as the consumer, just as curious, just as interested to solve.

2) This feeling is more technical and solid. There isn't any motion, as suggested by the walking figure in (1). There is not questioning factor. This picture seems more self assured, and more geared to the serious puzzler, it is a static image that suggests the pieces are the focus, the logic, the strategy. This is unlike (1) where it was the exploration and curiosity that was the focus. They appeal to different groups (I think!), because one is about cool-headed logic and strategy, while the other is about exploration and curiosity, and reaches more to a consumer that enjoys the exploration rather than the solution.

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